16 October 2009

Asian Lodge

done in 3ds max and the texture are done after pictures and worked in photoshop


Doug Springer said...

Outstanding as Usual Sam. I really like it. And its nice to see a post from you after so long. Don't be a stranger!

Anonymous said...

Its nice. But if i was you, i would make the building in 3dsmax, add the plants and lighting in Vue, maybe add a model from Zbrush and then finishing touches in photoshop! :P

Anonymous said...

mm I dont know Vue yet... but could take a look!

RealSpace said...

I am a newcomer to this blog, but wanted to add my two cents. So often I see feedback on quality and photorealism, which is important, but the content needs to be there. This content is really great, nice work!

CGI Flythrough said...

Nice post

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Virtual Staging said...

These is informative content. Want to show you another useful article https://virtual-staging.archicgi.com/3ds-max-virtual-staging-advantages/